Sunday 25 January 2015


Finally I am at a point where I feel I can write a new post! It has been a trying few months and I really felt like I was simply treading water.
Today I see some light at the end of the tunnel.

We had a wonderful time with Cortney and Skyler over the holidays. They brought a lot of joy to us and lifted our spirits immensely. As some of you have seen Cortney's pictures on FB you can see that we did some touring and played hard. We had a fantastic time together over all.

We are now setting our sights on Carli's trip to Thailand next month for a week of service, as well as Clint's trip home to Edmonton and Toronto. It will be a year since he left there. He will visit home and family for a bit then off to Toronto for some work he has been asked to do there. I've never seen him so anxious to go home. He longs to see his children, grandchildren and his parents. I'm so happy for him.

One of the projects I took up in the fall is quilting. I made queen- sized quilts for Cortney and Skyler before they came and am now working on others. I have found a niche that I thoroughly enjoy! This helps me feel purposeful.

Carli is doing well at school and is looking ahead to next year, planning which classes she will need to take. She will have to take at least three IB classes, in Science, English and Social. It will be a lot of hard work but she keeps meeting the mark. We are very proud of her efforts.

Carli and I have our flights booked to come home mid-June and will be there for the summer. Thus, the light at the end of the tunnel! It will be a year away for us by then as well. We are looking forward to being home with family and friends before returning for another year here. I have a few more responsibilities on my plate now as well, so time will seem quick in passing until I get to hug my little grandbabies once again. I can hardly wait! Carli hopes to find work in Edmonton for the summer as well.

We are learning much here in this part of the world. We feel great compassion for many people around the globe. We have so much to be grateful for. We are also learning much about ourselves and growing within. Our faith is being strengthened and our desire to be like our Heavenly Father seems to deepen every day. Life is good amid the struggle. It is when we are more often on our knees that we grow taller isn't it! I'd have to say that I haven't reached the point yet to ask for another mountain to climb but I sure see the benefit in the struggle.

Until next post, we are continually facing toward the Light of the World. We will carry on in the cause.

Brightly beaming,
Clint, Liz and Carli